Baarrooka Durango’s Epic

At a glance

Baarrooka Durango’s Epic

  • Colour

    Solid Light Brown

  • Heritage

    Full Peruvian/US/Accoyo

  • IAR


  • Sire

    ILR Moon River's Peruvian Durango

  • D.O.B.


  • Dam

    Baarrooka Edelweiss

  • Status

    Certified Male

  • Progeny


  • Stud fee


  • Price

    EOI full or half share

About this alpaca

It’s not as though we don’t already have plenty of Durango sons in our Stud Row! But Epic had to be given a berth. He combines Durango with a very stylish Baarrooka Edelweiss who is from the production powerhouse Baarrooka Cordela and Kurrawa Tariq. Edelweiss has won numerous Championships at Royal and National level. She only started her show career as an almost 2 year old on her second fleece. Epic has inherited her strong frame and her sire’s outstanding fleece characteristics – especially the density and lack of guard hair in the brisket and extremities.

Epic was never beaten in his show career and was also shown only in his regrowth fleece. He has a fine, flat locked fleece with stunning lustre and a very soft handle. He has a strong frame and an excellent suri head. His first cria have been impressive, with great density and lock structure on a solid frame.

He is maintaining his fleece quality, with the last two photos of him at 7.5 yrs of age.

Comparable Fleece Data 13/02/2017

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Historical Fleece Data

Date tool tip iconMICSDCVCFFWSL

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